My story with the Waverly Public Library actually begins when I was a student at Wartburg College. One of my last work study jobs was off campus, working at the WPL at the downtown location. I spent most of my time adding barcode stickers to the books as they were first using barcode scanning. I'm sure I also spent some time skimming books, making a reading list! 

When we moved our family back to Waverly in 2001, I first started connecting with friends and neighbors at the Toddler Storytime with Miss Sue. Through the years we graduated to preschool storytime, then summer reading program activities, Halloween parties and into teen programming. 

My youngest son, Adam, really got involved in the teen programs including the Teen Advisory Board. In high school, he spent almost every Saturday afternoon at the library playing video games with a group of friends. It was so nice to know they had a place to hang out that was welcoming and safe. 

I'm so excited about the renovation plans for WPL! Public libraries are the original community centers where all are welcome with no membership fees or other requirements. It is important that libraries evolve and reflect the needs of the communities and people they serve. We have a real treasure in the Waverly Public Library and I'm glad to see the investment in its future.

Laurie Everhardt, Library Patron

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